"These courses have not only transformed the way I view myself and my role as a mother but also how I view my role as a daughter of God. Emily's heart and compassion for moms is palpable. Her transparency is refreshing and impactful. I have told nearly every mom I know about this program because it's so life-changing. I love how it's not just abstract concepts but actually includes practical day-to-day tips and techniques that any mom can put to use right away. Emily backs up everything she says with the word and it just makes so much sense. I wish I had found the program much sooner. Thank you so much Emily and may God continue to richly bless you and your family!"

-Ayesha Keller

“Girl, you have a gift, both of speaking truth, but also just allowing the spirit to lead… God knew I needed to accidentally find this right now!!!”

“I can’t say enough for how much Emily has helped my family! She helped us transition through a very rough season, full of strife, arguing, disrespect and disconnect. We have learned and grown so much because of her help. We communicate in a much healthier way and there is so much more peace in our home! While I can’t say that everything is perfect around here, I am in awe at how far we have come, how much we’ve grown, and how much more connected we feel as a family. Emily offers a wealth of wisdom and I would tell anyone with a desire to grow that working with her (or taking her course) is something you will definitely not regret!”

~L. T.

I have loved everything about this group and the knowledge and power you are helping us discover! It really has been life changing.

~Rebekah Cuevas

“This course has been such a breath of fresh air and I just want more of God, and learn how to discern his voice to hear him so fully and just be in him all day everyday. God working through you has just ministered to me so much and I'm just in awe of how he is using you. I could cry. I'm tearing up just thinking about it. It’s been an answered prayer for sure!”

~Cassie Baez

“Working with Emily has been an absolute delight and a game-changer for our family! She has helped me reorient my role as a parent and brought more joy into our home. Emily shares the biblical "why" behind what she does, which was refreshingly different from what I grew up thinking was biblical parenting! Then she gives the "how" in a format that is easy to incorporate over time. I appreciate her personalized approach and heart for each mom and their family!”

~Andrea F.

Emily is a JOY to work with!!! She has such a great way of pulling out the potential in both parent and child! You can’t help but feel encouraged and like there is hope for your situation! Highly recommend working with her!

~Sarah Snavely

“I enjoyed working with Emily. She was very open to questions and helped troubleshoot situations. She challenged us with ideas I would not have thought of, or hadn’t dared to try.” 

~Jennie Pusser

“I came to the realization that those things [that I previously tried] weren’t working because they were just little pieces of a puzzle, phrases to use and such… BUT what I need is a different MINDSET and that is what you have given me! I want to parent them the way God parents, I want to love them the way God loves. 

I could go on and on, but I guess I just want to say thank you… thank you for giving me hope that I can be a good mom, that I AM made for this, that there is a way, GODs WAY!  I feel a new peace around me tonight, a new confidence, and a renewed relationship with God.”

~R. Cuevas

Emily has been amazing and her knowledge is so helpful. She truly seems led by the Holy Spirit and has a gift for helping families. I have seen a difference in how I feel, how I respond to my kids, and how they are behaving already and am excited to continue improving with them. This was such a blessing at the perfect time. 

~Brittany White

“Emily you were so right when you said that having us pay for this membership makes us value it! I almost didn’t do this because of the money but I am so so thankful I did. Knowing I’m spending my husband's hard earned money to be here has made me ensure I set aside the time to participate, it has made me want to take away the most! And this group has encouraged me and motivated me to dive into my study bible, to seek Jesus more, and to Live for Jesus in every aspect of my life, not just parenting.

~Rebekah C.

Working with Emily has been such a blessing. It was like I got a friend who knows me and she didn't even know me. Emily truly allowed the Holy Spirit to move in her teachings. And now as I continue on the motherhood journey, I feel powerful. Not everyday. Some days we need to just reset 🙃

~Tiffany McKnight

“Emily is very understanding and truly wants everyone to succeed. I felt with her support I could tackle anything my kids could throw at me with all of the tools she taught us. She truly has brought peace and understanding to my home.”

~Shannon Rathmann

“I loved the concept of choices. That was something that was new to me. It has definitely been a huge help!”

~Sarah Snavely

Emily is a breath of fresh air and such a joy to talk with. Even seeing the way she talks with her kids when they interrupt a zoom call is with patience and kindness. She doesn’t just talk the talk but also walks the walk and lives the life she teaches us about. Actions speak louder than words; it’s so true. 

~Brianna Jackson

“Meeting with Emily brought peace, love and connection back into our home.

Our household felt like complete chaos. I had just had a baby and my two year old’s world completely turned upset down. There were more tantrums and tears than ever before. I was at my wits end- Getting angry, frustrated and sometimes didn’t even want to be with my family. I had no idea what I was doing or how to make any changes… Which is why I met with Emily. She taught me a few different tools and different lingo to implement and how to connect with our kiddos amidst the chaos. All of these tools worked almost immediately. The wisdom and knowledge I learned from our meeting have completely shifted our household. All in all, Emily reiterated the importance of Kingdom living and connection in the home and how to make that happen. So thankful for the nuggets of wisdom that I learned from her!"

~Jen Williams

“My preschool-aged son has responded so well to my shift in parenting from this course. One of the biggest changes is that he is happier! He now rarely has a meltdown (and when he does they are short-lived). He chooses to follow directions with more regularity and with a cheerful disposition. Now, instead of issues derailing an entire afternoon, he is back on track within minutes or seconds. He seeks out special time with me and is more willing to take on a problem-solving approach rather than giving up when something is tough. I can take him places again without worrying that he will run off or that it will be absolute chaos! I can't wait to see how these tools will positively impact Baby Brother as he gets older, too!”

~Andrea Frueh

This course has given me ideas of how to handle discipline without feeling like I’m failing my children. I felt much better as a mom and wife with how I learned to handle things with grace and patience. They love our special time and have been better helpers around the house when they used to complain about it.

~B. J.

“I can’t say enough for how much Emily has helped my family! We connected during such a volatile season — transitioning from one child to two (and with eight years between them), we were finding our way out of a pretty traumatic birth experience that left us all reeling and our relationships struggling. I felt so much distance between me and my (then) eight year old son, and his behavior became more and more out of control. I was exhausted, strung out and fighting for control, and I felt like I had no real, clear game plan for handling this new frontier of parenthood. It felt like we were always at odds, disconnected, and I was tired of feeling mean and stressed out!

I thank God for connecting me with Emily at just the right time. I can’t thank her enough for her kindness, excellent and empathetic listening skills, how welcomed, safe, and normal she made me feel. She brought so much wisdom to the table — I have been so blown away by my experience working with her, and it has blessed me and my family richly! She helped us communicate more clearly, set better boundaries, learn how to be less controlling, and create a much more respectful, loving, low-stress environment.

The dynamic in our home has shifted in the way I hoped it would, and most of all, there is so much more peace, less friction, more connection, and a lot less power struggling going on. My husband and I feel like were finally on the same page, and it is so good to have a clear strategy!

I feel like this saved my relationship with my son when at times I felt like it would never recover. We healed.

I can’t thank her enough for the impact she had during such an incredibly hard season for me. But most of all, I’m thankful for her friendship, and our common passion to parent the way that God parents us. Thank you Emily!!!”

~Lacy Timpano

Do you want to have a testimony like these?