You are quickly triggered, lose your peace, easily offended, and frustrated by your kids constantly.

Maybe you know some great parenting tools, but you can’t seem to use them when you are angry.

Yelling is a default.

You don’t want to be, but you end up so controlling and demanding.

You have tried gentle parenting, positive parenting, christian parenting scripts, but nothing changes.

You love God, but just can’t figure out how to parent biblically.

You are open minded, humble and teachable.

You are embracing a New Covenant belief system and outlook.

You have a personal, intimate relationship with Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

You are putting your connection with your kids above anything else when disciplining.

You are learning Kingdom parenting tools and when to use them.

You are learning how to be a powerful person in relationships and relinquish fear and control.

You have begun heart healing and are allowing God to transform you by the renewing of your mind.

You go to God with each parenting issue.

Your relationship is growing and you communicate with God throughout your day.

You are being filled with truth and your triggers are diminishing.

You are putting together all the tools and are confident that you have a tool for each situation.

You are creating a Kingdom culture in your home.

You are learning and using healthy boundaries.

You fully have a grasp on the Kingdom, the spirit realm, and the prophetic.

You know how to bring it wherever you go, especially in your home and parenting.

You understand how God parents and can translate that into your own parenting.

Your heart is healthy, your relationships are healthy, and you are living un-offendable.

You understand & live in New Covenant Theology, and parent from that perspective.

You have a tool belt full of powerful kingdom-minded solutions and parenting tools.

You know how to use those tools in unconditional love, in a way that promotes connection.

You are walking in your God-given Kingdom assignment!

How do I become a Level 4?

I want to be the BEST Mom that God created me to be!