I am a Holy Spirit led Wife and Mother to 3 children (girl-boy-girl) and sometimes a foster mom.

I was raised in a christian home, but I met the Holy Spirit and started becoming awakened to hearing the voice of God shortly after Derrick and I were married in 2007. My life hasn’t been the same since…

actually started 12 years ago.

After a couple years of infertility, we FINALLY got pregnant! We were thrilled! I wanted to be the BEST mom EVER! While I was pregnant, Danny Silk, a leader at Bethel Church, and a relationship expert, came to speak at our church. He gave me a signed copy of his book

“Loving Our Kids On Purpose”. I read that book in a weekend, and I had a COMPLETE paradigm shift of how I viewed ALL relationships! It immediately changed how I related to my co-workers, my patients (I was a dental hygienist for 10 years), and my friends! It opened my eyes to a totally different way to see people and relationships!

is rooted in control, performance, and fear.

I want to honor my parents, they have come SO far and are not the same people today that I grew up with! They are committed to growth, learning, and healing! And I am SO thankful for that because they improved upon their childhoods to give me an even greater one! I believe that a parent’s ceiling is the child’s floor! However, we all still had roots and attachments to the

Spirits of fear, control, religion, performance, orphan, poverty, and victim, among others! So, needless to say, I brought these into my parenting once I started having my own kids!

I was trying SO hard to implement all the different tools I was learning.

I am a researcher at heart, so when I became a mom, I started researching EVERY different style of parenting that I could! Books, courses, podcasts, interviews, you name it! I loved trying new techniques out, and learning new perspectives. But not many of them lasted and I kept finding myself falling back into my defaults of yelling and desperately trying to control their every move. I also had a slew of lies I was believing and didn’t know it, which were affecting my parenting.

and life crumbled!

Postpartum depression hit, as did a newborn with health issues, a 6 year old with more health issues, and a son who was feeling rejected. My yelling was at an all time high, because I was in survival mode and had no idea how to even extend grace. I literally felt like I was drowning. I was living in chaos, depressed, yelling, critical and grasping for a semblance of control, with a fear that I would never get out of it! I was longing for an answer to break the cycle. I knew deep in my heart that God had a better design for family than what we were experiencing. I just didn’t know how to get there!

had much bigger plans!

When I joined our church in doing a fast in the New Year, I asked God what I should fast? He replied, “yelling.” Well, that was the loving conviction I needed to realized that it wasn’t my kids that needed to change, it was ME! When I shared in church what I was fasting, a wise and seasoned mom asked if she could do a presentation to the moms in the church. Well, of course that parenting presentation was for ME, and she shared a style of parenting called Love And Logic. This parenting style reminded me about Danny Silk’s book that changed my parenting view so many years prior! So I re-read that book, equipped myself with tools from Danny and from Love And Logic, I started fasting yelling, and I made it my New Years Resolution to go back to spending time with Jesus EVERY DAY!

I knew only God could truly help me!

So, I committed to Him, knowing He was already fully committed to me! I quit using any excuses!! It didn’t matter how exhausted I was, I knew Jesus was more important than sleep at this point! I started with bible reading, devotionals, and guided prayer time. Then I

went back to worshipping Him and soaking in His presence, and journaling all he was speaking to me. He started changing and healing my heart. He was speaking identity into me, marking me as His, healing past traumas, pain, and lies that I had been believing for YEARS! He brought a fresh wave of joy, and peace. He would let me feel the weight of his love for me! God was renewing my mind, and I was getting to know so many more sides to his character.

and it changed me!

As I became aware of how God was teaching, guiding, leading, convicting, pushing, growing, and molding me… I realized He was “parenting” me! I was getting a front row seat to see how God parents a difficult child! At the same time, I would ask Him every morning, what did I need to know for

that upcoming day? In the equipping, He would be renewing my mind and teaching me different ways to approach situations with my kids. It became habit for me to immediately turn to the Lord for direction each time a situation came up with my kids! I could all too often be found in the fetal position on the ground, crying out to God for guidance in the current situation! My kids quickly learned that if Mommy was on the ground, or stopped with her eyes closed, she was asking God what to do! In fact, when my kids wanted something from me, they started saying “Ask God if I can……” He was my source, my strength, my answers, my EVERYTHING!

When I would seek him in situations with my kids, sometimes He would remind me of a parenting tool I learned from another source and tell me to use that, and sometimes he would tell me a brand new tool to use! Either way, I realized that He helped me to create a filter to put all the parenting tips through: Does it line up with how God parents me?

so I could grow!

At this point I have THOUSANDS of hours on my face before God! He didn’t back off, His presence was stronger than ever in my life. I had climbed out of the deep, dark pit. I had learned how He wanted me to parent my kids. Life was not perfect, but the difference was DRASTIC! I was healthy and transformed enough that He brought me into a Kingdom community of like-minded believers that were going after God at the

level that I was! He used this beautiful group to increase my healing. Through intense inner healing, coaching, prophetic consulting, healthy influences, and many other trainings, God started to pull up

those old family roots, expose the lies, and heal the generational wounds. God taught me how to do this with my children too!

The roots of my triggers were being healed and I could now show unconditional love through the whole discipline process with my kids. I was learning glimpses of what it looks like to live unoffendable, just as Jesus did! God increased my knowledge of the Kingdom of Heaven, and how to bring that to earth, and opened so many doors for me! I was pushed right into my calling!

I now mentor moms one-on-one or in group settings, and through challenges, courses, memberships, and social media!

I am also a Certified EP trainer, Certified EP School Director, Author, Teacher of 4th & 5th grade/Elementary Art/and Homeschool, Certified Foster Parent, Retired Dental Hygienist, Current Emerging Prophet and I hold a Personal Prophetic Ministry Certification. 

The Lord continues to be my guide and source of EVERYTHING. Kingdom Motherhood is truly HIS! He is touching lives, healing hearts, transforming minds, and renewing families! He is after the hearts of Moms in this time and season! We are raising the next generation who is going to go out and take territory for the Kingdom of God! What we teach them MATTERS!

so I can share with you what I now know!

I have seen the vision of what could happen if we equip this next generation properly and in a healthy way! What we do in the home affects GENERATIONS! I am SO excited to be partnering with Holy Spirit as we are equipping THOUSANDS of moms with heavenly tools, mindsets, and healed hearts, to raise their kids in the ways of the Kingdom, and parent them the way God parents us! I’m SO glad you are one of them!