I equip Mothers with the tools to raise their kids in the ways of the Kingdom! My passion is to teach Moms how to get spiritually healthy and parent their children in the same way that God parents us!
New Book Release!
New Book Release! 〰️
Parents - The Prophets Of The Home
Your Kingdom Culture Toolkit for Preparing Your Child to Fulfill Their Destiny
"Emily Johnson has written a powerful guide that will challenge, encourage, and equip parents to raise Kingdom-minded children in today’s world."
— Bethany Hicks, Co-Founder of Prophetic Company & Author of Own Your Assignment
"This book is ahead of its time… a must-read for any parent looking to raise children in God’s ways!"
— Christine Gail, Publisher & Best-Selling Author
"I cannot recommend this book enough. It is packed with wisdom, practical steps, and Biblical truths that will transform your parenting journey."
— Rachell Macom, Health & Wellness Coach & CEO of Destination Worthy

The Kingdom Motherhood FREE Facebook Group!
This is a great place to get your feet wet! There is a parenting training every Monday morning and a great place to start interacting with the beautiful community! Here you can start catching the heart of Kingdom Motherhood!
Free Ebook “Room Or Fun?”
This wonderful resource walks you through, step by step, how to teach your child what behavior is acceptable or unacceptable while still prioritizing heart connection. It’s so valuable to know how to discipline your child without losing the connection that you have with their heart!
Free Booklist!
This is a list of some of my favorite parenting books that I have read over the years! (I have read so many, and they definitely do not all make the list!) If you are looking for a good parenting book, check out this list! There is even a sneak peak of what is on my list to read next!
“How To Be A Kingdom Mother” Mini-Course
The perfect and managable course to find out what a Kingdom Mother is, where you are NOT a Kingdom Mother currently and how you can change that! This course comes with printouts and strategic questions after each training to help you truly activate and apply this information to your own life, home, and parenting!
“The Kingdom Mothers Society” Monthly Membership
Members only coaching group where we meet weekly to grow in a monthly parenting topic. Each month is packed with value! Included in each month are trainings on parenting tools, mindset shifts, Live Q&A, a God Encounter, and we also host a guest speaker! This community of like-minded Moms is the perfect place to share, grow, heal, and learn to parent the way God parents us!
KAPP— “Kingdom Assignment Protection Program”
This is an in depth mentorship program which shifts you into the deeper “how” of becoming a Kingdom Mother! If you are ready to dive deep into the healing YOU need, and become healthy spiritually, relationally, and emotionally then you need to be in KAPPs. This program got its name because it is our duty as mothers to raise our children the way that God desires in order to set them up to fulfill their Kingdom Assignment. (More info on the website—link below.)
When YOU get healthy, then you can create a healthy culture in your home for your child to be raised in! Weekly live zoom training, hot-seats for personalized growth and mentorship, a free limited-edition signed copy of my upcoming book, inner healing session included, as well as Voxer access with Emily for help processing through your growth at anytime! This is the way to fully dive into parenting the Kingdom way!
***Also a CERTIFICATION PROGRAM to become a Kingdom Motherhood Consultant!
If you desire to help other moms as well as be able to bring in income, this is the program for you!
Become certified in One-On-One Consulting or to lead a group of Moms!! The world needs you to step up into your calling!!!
One-On-One Consultations with Emily
In this meeting, strategic and intuitive questioning is used to identify where you are being held back, and unlock the areas you need breakthrough in! Revelation and breakthrough allows you to up-level in your life and step into the life God is calling you to! While partnering with Holy Spirit, we can go after breakthrough in parenting, relationships, identity, leadership, clarity about your future, or just any area that you feel stuck!
Parents - The Prophets Of The Home
Your child has been put on this earth for a specific purpose. God created them with a divine destiny and kingdom assignment. If Queen Esther had the choice to step into her purpose or lose it, then so do our kids!
God has given your specific children to you as a gift and as a responsibility. He also wants to partner with you to help you create the special culture He wants for your family. That culture will prepare your child for their specific and unique kingdom assignment! If you properly prepare them, they can launch out into the world guided and molded in the ways God wants (not just mimicking other Christians) to spread the Kingdom of Heaven on earth!
In Parents—Prophets of the Home, you will learn how to:
Use the eight pillars of creating a home culture God wants
Communicate with God and teach your child to as well
Align your home with God’s Word
Infuse kingdom culture into your parenting
Become the Prophet of your home and discover what that means
When you embrace being a Prophet, you will know how to foster a Kingdom Culture in your home and parenting! You’ll help your child develop an intimate relationship with God, be an example to them, and protect your home’s Kingdom Culture so it flourishes.
What Other Moms Are Saying…
Jen Williams
“Meeting with Emily brought peace, love and connection back into our home! Our household felt like complete chaos. There were more tantrums and tears than ever before. I was at my wits end- Getting angry, frustrated and sometimes didn’t even want to be with my family. I had no idea what I was doing or how to make any changes… Which is why I met with Emily. She taught me a few different tools and different lingo to implement and how to connect with our kiddos amidst the chaos. All of these tools worked almost immediately. The wisdom and knowledge I learned from our meeting have completely shifted our household. All in all, Emily reiterated the importance of Kingdom living and connection in the home and how to make that happen. So thankful for the nuggets of wisdom that I learned from her!"
Tiffany McKnight
“Working with Emily has been such a blessing. It was like I got a friend who knows me and she didn't even know me. Emily truly allowed the Holy Spirit to move in her teachings. And now as I continue on the motherhood journey, I feel powerful.”
“Emily is a JOY to work with!!! She has such a great way of pulling out the potential in both parent and child! You can’t help but feel encouraged and like there is hope for your situation! Highly recommend working with her!”
Lacy Timpano
“I can’t say enough for how much Emily has helped my family! Emily helped us transition through a very rough season, full of strife, arguing, disrespect and disconnect. We have learned and grown so much because of her help. We communicate in a much healthier way and there is so much more peace in our home! While I can’t say that everything is perfect around here, I am in awe at how far we have come, how much we’ve grown, and how much more connected we feel as a family. Emily offers a wealth of wisdom and I would tell anyone with a desire to grow that working with her (or taking her course) is something you will definitely not regret!”